IIDA, the International Interior Design Association, based in the US, together with SBID, the Society of British and International Design, forge a brand new partnership with Downtown Design 2015 to provide key industry knowledge and contacts, as well as revealing award-winning projects from around the world, during the fair.

The professional networking and educational associations have over 13,000 members and 33 Chapters around the world, and are dedicated to supporting industry professionals in their career development, and recognizing and rewarding talent. The presentation that has been specially designed for regional professionals is intended to provide crucial insight and learning on the latest innovations in design, with an indepth look at worldwide design trends, leading projects and expert commentary.

Cheryl Durst, CEO of IIDA: “IIDA is pleased and honored to partner with Downtown Design, as it offers the opportunity to celebrate and articulate design excellence in the GCC as well as across the many design specialties from workplace to healthcare. Downtown Design is synonymous with culture, creativity and innovation, and IIDA looks forward to promoting and sustaining knowledge-rich opportunities for this design community.”