Downtown Design welcomed British architect Asif Khan to Dubai, in the first of this year's series of talks.

Awarded the prestigious Cannes Lion Grand Prix for the MegaFaces Pavilion at last year’s Sochi Winter Olympics, and lauded for his landmark Beatbox pavilion at the UK’s Olympic Park, Asif’s larger than life innovations have earned him the title of “London’s anti-starchitect.”

“Architecture is not a hobby for the elite” Asif Khan

Recently shortlisted to design the new Guggenheim HelsinkiKhan is poised for a stratospheric leap into the next phase of his career, and will share the story behind his unique success – one that is already inspiring our new generation of designers.


Asif lectures regularly and globally on his work.Recently he spoke at Harvard University, in Cape Town for Design Indaba, India Design Forum, Savannah College of Art and Design, for the British Council at Indesign Sydney, The Royal Academy London, Tokyo MidTown, Istanbul Design Week and at the Design Museum in London. Addressing Dubai for the first time as a guest of Downtown Design, Asif will give insight on his unique creative approach through his past, present and future projects.

Downtown Design Talks presents Asif Khan at the Capital Club, Wednesday May 13.